Fertility Tests In Chennai

AMH - Anti Mullerian Hormone
No prepartion needed
TAT: 12 hours
Unisex: all
Age group: all
DHEA - Dehydroepiandrosterone
No prepartion needed
Top Selling
TAT: 12 Hours
Unisex: all
Age group: all
DHEA- S (Dehydroepiandroster..
No prepartion needed
TAT: 12 Hours
Unisex: all
Age group: all
Progesterone ( P4 )
High dose of biotin may
TAT: 12 hours
Unisex: female
Age group: all
Sperm DNA fragmentation
No prepartion needed
TAT: 10 Days
Unisex: male
Age group: all
Y - Chromosome Microdeletion
No prepartion needed
TAT: 7 - 28 days
Unisex: all
Age group: all
Tissue must be sent in
TAT: 12 hour
Unisex: all
Age group: all

Fertility Test

A fertility test is a crucial medical assessment conducted to evaluate an individual's reproductive health and their potential to conceive a child. Both men and women may undergo fertility testing to identify any underlying issues that could affect their ability to conceive naturally.

Why consider a Fertility Test with AstoLabs?

Assessing Reproductive Health: Our fertility tests comprehensively assess the overall reproductive health of individuals. For women, this may involve evaluating hormone levels, ovarian reserve, and the health of reproductive organs. For men, tests typically include assessing sperm quality, quantity, and motility.

Identifying Fertility Issues: Fertility testing can uncover underlying issues impacting fertility, such as hormonal imbalances, ovulation disorders, sperm abnormalities, or structural issues in reproductive organs. Identifying these issues is essential for developing targeted treatment plans.

Informing Treatment Options: The results of fertility tests guide healthcare providers in recommending appropriate treatment options. Depending on the issues identified, treatments may include lifestyle changes, medications, surgical interventions, or assisted reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI).

Planning for Parenthood: Fertility testing empowers individuals and couples to make informed decisions about family planning. Understanding one's fertility status informs decisions about when to start trying to conceive, how long to try naturally before seeking medical assistance, and what interventions may be necessary to achieve pregnancy.

At AstoLabs, we understand the importance of fertility testing in helping individuals achieve their family planning goals. Our advanced testing services provide accurate and timely results, empowering individuals to take control of their reproductive health journey.

Don't let fertility concerns go unaddressed. Schedule your fertility test with AstoLabs today and take the first step towards parenthood with confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions

For men, fertility can be assessed through various tests, including: Blood tests to measure hormone levels, such as progesterone, to check for ovulation. Screening for sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia, which can impact fertility. Ultrasound scans. X-rays. Laparoscopy.

To check if a woman can have babies, doctors do a test called a pelvic exam. They use a special machine called ultrasound to look inside her tummy to see her ovaries and womb. They also take a small amount of her blood to check her hormones. Sometimes, they suggest checking her cervical mucus or body temperature to see when she can get pregnant.

Couples typically undergo fertility testing that may include blood tests, pelvic examinations for the woman to detect sexually transmitted diseases, and semen analysis to evaluate sperm quality and quantity.

Determining fertility involves tracking ovulation patterns. This can be done by monitoring basal body temperature using a special thermometer each morning before getting out of bed. Fertility typically peaks 2 to 3 days before the temperature rises, and cervical mucus becomes clearer and thinner, resembling egg whites.

The cost of a male fertility test in Chennai typically ranges from Rs. 400 to Rs. 10500 onwards, depending on the testing facility. Prices may vary among different laboratory centers.

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