Book Your Liver Function Test in Chennai

Don't wait for symptoms to show up—take proactive care of your liver health with a liver test in Chennai. Asto Labs provides reliable and cost-effective liver function test in Chennai, enabling you to be in control of your health. Book your liver function test in Chennai now and be ahead of any health concerns!
APTT - Activated Partial ..
No prepartion needed
Top Selling
TAT: 12 Hours
Unisex: all
Age group: all
AFP - Alfa Feto Protein
No prepartion needed
TAT: 12 Hours
Unisex: all
Age group: all
SGPT or ALT - Alanine...
No prepartion needed
TAT: 12 Hours
Unisex: all
Age group: all
Albumin - Serum
No prepartion needed
TAT: 12 Hours
Unisex: all
Age group: all
Albumin - Spot urine / ...
No prepartion needed
TAT: 4 hours
Unisex: all
Age group: all
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)
No prepartion needed
TAT: 12 Hours
Unisex: all
Age group: all
Alpha 1 Antitrypsin
No prepartion needed
TAT: Next Day
Unisex: all
Age group: all
Amino Acids Quantita..
No prepartion needed
TAT: 3 Days
Unisex: all
Age group: all
Your liver works to maintain your body's health by filtering out toxins, metabolizing nutrients, and supporting digestion. A liver function test in Chennai will determine how efficiently your liver is functioning by analyzing the vital enzymes, proteins, and bilirubin levels in your blood. Frequent liver test in Chennai can detect any problem before it occurs and keep you fit.

Why is a Liver Function Test in Chennai Important?

The liver carries out several important functions, including detoxifying harmful chemicals, metabolizing drugs, and storing nutrients. If your liver does not work correctly, it can cause severe diseases. A liver test in Chennai can identify liver diseases, such as hepatitis, fatty liver, or cirrhosis, at an early stage before the disease worsens. Early identification through a liver function test in Chennai translates into early treatment, which can avoid future complications.

Who Should Consider a Liver Function Test in Chennai?

You may require an abnormal liver function test in Chennai if you have symptoms such as jaundice, fatigue, or belly pain.

  1. You have a family history of liver disease.
  2. You consume alcohol regularly or follow an unhealthy diet.
  3. You are obese or diabetic.
  4. You take medication that can interfere with the function of the liver.
  5. You have hepatitis or another liver infection.

If you are suffering from any of these, undergoing a liver function test SGPT in Chennai regularly will keep your liver healthy and save you from the possible health dangers.

Benefits of Early Detection with a Liver Function Test SGPT in Chennai

A liver function test SGPT in Chennai can identify liver problems even before they become severe. Early identification enables you to:

  1. Avoid delay in treatment and damage.
  2. Lifestyle modification for better liver function.
  3. Shun complications that may involve expensive medical interventions.
  4. Monitor the effects of medications that might impact liver function.

With Chennai’s fast-paced lifestyle and environmental pollution, regular liver test in Chennai check-ups are a great way to stay on top of your liver health.

Understanding Liver Function Test Price in Chennai

Several individuals are also reluctant to undergo testing because of the expense. The cost of a liver function test in Chennai is dependent on the clinic and the number and type of tests involved. One may be charged between ₹90 and ₹7500. At Asto Labs, affordable and quality liver function test in Chennai are available for you at a price you can afford without compromising your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

A liver function tests for enzyme and protein levels in your blood to determine the health of your liver and identify inflammation or liver disease.

The liver function test price in Chennai varies with the tests ordered and the health facility, ranging from ₹90 to ₹7500.

Pollution, diet, alcohol use, and hereditary factors make the health of the liver a priority in Chennai. A Chennai liver function test SGPT facilitates early detection and prompt treatment.

The need for a liver function test in Chennai varies with your health, age, and risk factors. If you are at increased risk or have symptoms of liver disease, your doctor may advise periodic testing.

An abnormal liver function test can indicate liver inflammation, damage, or disease. Further investigation and medical consultation are necessary to diagnose the cause and treatment.

Lab Test in Chennai

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